Head and Neck Cancer Care


During the Head and Neck Cancer Treatment in Kolkata, they are usually identified by the area in which they begin – for example – the oral cavity, salivary glands, paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx (voice box), lymph nodes in the neck.
According to highly experienced doctors, the major reasons for head and neck cancers include tobacco (either smoked or chewed), and the excessive consumption of alcohol. Other highly possible risk factors are sun exposure, the infection of human papillomavirus (HPV), radiation to the head and neck for some reasons, the infection of Epstein-Barr virus, direct and continuous exposure to wood dust or airborne asbestos, regular consumption of certain preservatives or salted food items, extremely poor immune system, extremely poor oral hygiene, age above 40, etc.

Symptoms of Head and Neck Cancers:


Common symptoms of several head and neck cancer sites include

  • A visible lump or sore that does not heal on its own
  • A sore throat that does not go away easily
  • Difficulty swallowing every time you eat something
  • A change or hoarseness in your voice.
  • Pain in the ears
  • Sudden loss of hearing
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Severe headache
  • Frequent coughing
  • Acute nasal congestion

Remember that these symptoms may differ according to the part of the head or neck that is cancerous. Medical tests conducted to diagnose head and neck cancer also vary depending on the symptoms and may sometimes include a biopsy, endoscopy, blood or urine tests, X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, etc.

Head and Neck Cancer Treatment in Kolkata:

Head and Neck Cancer Treatment in Kolkata vividly depends on the exact location of the tumour, the stage of cancer which have been identified, and the person’s age and overall condition of health. However, the options for Head and Neck Cancer in Kolkata include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy as well.

Besides, depending on the location of the cancer and the type of treatment, rehabilitation may sometimes include physical therapy, dietary counselling, speech therapy, and/or learning how to take care of a stoma after a laryngectomy. However, note that some patients may even need reconstructive and plastic surgery also.

FAQs about Head and Neck Cancer Treatment in Kolkata


1. What are the different types of head and neck cancers?
Different types of head and neck cancers are as follows –
  • Oral cavity: related to mouth and tongue
  • Oropharyngeal: related to the throat and back of the mouth
  • Nasal cavity: related to nose
  • Paranasal sinus: related to sinuses and openings near the nose
  • Nasopharyngeal: behind the nose and upper throat area
  • Laryngeal: related to the voice box
  • Hypopharyngeal: related to the voice box and lower part of the throat
  • Salivary gland
  • Lymphoma
2. Can head and neck cancers spread?

Yes, head and neck cancers can spread to other areas of the body also. This is because sometimes cancer cells travel to the lymph nodes. And, in some other cases, they may travel to the lungs, liver, bone, kidney, and adrenal glands.

3. Is there any possibility of the recurrence of head and neck cancers?

Again, yes, head and neck cancers can recur at the original site or at a distant site. Almost about 35-40% of the patients develop recurrent cancer at the original site while approximately 25-30% of the patients develop cancer at a distant site. This recurrence is mainly known as metastatic cancer in medical terms.

4. How are the stages of head and neck cancers determined?

When you will visit a doctor for your head and neck cancer treatment in Kolkata, the stage of your head and neck cancer may be determined by blood tests, tissue samples, x-rays, scans, barium swallow, or examination under anaesthesia (endoscopy). Besides, doctors use the TNM staging system:

  • T: Tumour’s size and location
  • N: Numbers of lymph nodes affected
  • M: Metastases or the spread of the cancerous tissue.
5. Are head and neck cancers more common in males or females?

Note that head and neck cancers are twice as common in males than in females. In fact, men who are 50 or older are more likely to be diagnosed with head and neck cancers than younger men.